28 August 2015. Byron Bay Celebrant. Intimate private wedding, overlooking the Lighthouse

After trekking through life together for the past 20 years, Mish & Richard decided that a more personal and intimate setting was right for them, opposed to the Byron Bay Registry Office! So, the phone call was placed to request my attendance at their Byron Bay Wedding, and I jumped to it, making sure all the legal paperwork was transferred and in order, as they seemed like a special couple who deserved a special moment for a ceremony of union and togetherness, after such a long journey together already. With an intimate setting at a friends house, overlooking The Byron Bay Lighthouse, a ceremony and reception followed for 8 people. This was truly a memorable ceremony with the groom telling a loving story about pebble giving between Penguins, when they find their lifelong soul mate and companion – tears were welling at this point. The bride was speechless! Need I say more. Congratulations and I am so honoured to be a part of your journey together. Happy travels & life memories Mish & Richard.